«Украинского следа» нет ни в стрельбе в Crocus, ни в подрыве «Северных потоков» – Буданов

The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kirill Budanov, considers the accusation of Russia linking Ukraine to the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall «completely absurd». He stated this in an interview with the German TV channel ARD, published on April 7 and quoted by Tagesschau.

According to Budanov, the accusations made by Russia without any evidence are part of a «hybrid war» against Ukraine. He emphasized that Ukraine has always been a victim of Russian aggression and has never been involved in any terrorist activities.

The statement by Budanov comes after the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) claimed that the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall on March 30 was organized by Ukrainian intelligence services. The attack, which killed one person and injured several others, was carried out by a suicide bomber.

Budanov pointed out that the FSB’s accusations are baseless and lack any evidence. He also noted that Russia has a history of making false accusations against Ukraine, such as the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in 2014.

The Ukrainian government has also denied any involvement in the terrorist attack and condemned the FSB’s claims as an attempt to discredit Ukraine on the international stage. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine stated that Russia’s accusations are «another fake story aimed at justifying its aggression against Ukraine.»

The international community has also expressed skepticism towards Russia’s claims. The European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, stated that there is no evidence to support Russia’s accusations against Ukraine.

The terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall has further strained the already tense relations between Ukraine and Russia. The two countries have been in a state of conflict since Russia annexed Crimea in 2014 and supported separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine.

Despite the ongoing conflict, Ukraine has consistently denied any involvement in terrorist activities and has called for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. The Ukrainian government has also called for an international investigation into the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall.

In conclusion, the statement by Kirill Budanov, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, highlights the ongoing tensions between Ukraine and Russia. He strongly denies any involvement of Ukraine in the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall and calls out Russia for its baseless accusations. The international community has also expressed skepticism towards Russia’s claims, emphasizing the need for evidence to support such serious accusations. Ukraine remains committed to finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict and calls for an international investigation into the terrorist attack.

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