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Энергосообщество должно не допустить усугубления проблемы долгов перед «зелеными» инвесторами – нардепы

The Interfactional Deputy Association «Clean Energy — Healthy Environment» has recently addressed the head of the Secretariat of the Energy Community, Artur Lorkovsky, regarding the prevention of the implementation of a planned government initiative that could harm the future of the «green» energy industry and worsen the country’s debt crisis. This was announced in a statement by the association on their Telegram channel.

The proposed initiative, which aims to reduce the feed-in tariffs for renewable energy producers, has caused great concern among members of the «Clean Energy — Healthy Environment» association. They believe that this move could have a detrimental effect on the development of the renewable energy sector in Ukraine and could potentially lead to a further increase in the country’s debt.

The association argues that the government’s decision to reduce feed-in tariffs is not only short-sighted but also goes against the country’s commitments to the Energy Community. Ukraine has been a member of the Energy Community since 2011 and has pledged to align its energy policies with the European Union’s standards. However, the proposed initiative goes against the principles of the Energy Community Treaty, which promotes the development of renewable energy sources and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

The «Clean Energy — Healthy Environment» association also points out that the renewable energy sector has been one of the few bright spots in Ukraine’s struggling economy. The industry has attracted significant investments and has created thousands of jobs, contributing to the country’s economic growth. By reducing feed-in tariffs, the government risks jeopardizing the progress made in this sector and sending a negative message to potential investors.

Moreover, the association highlights the potential negative impact on the environment if the proposed initiative is implemented. Renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, have significantly lower carbon emissions compared to traditional fossil fuels. By hindering the development of the renewable energy sector, the government is not only harming the country’s economy but also jeopardizing the health and well-being of its citizens.

The «Clean Energy — Healthy Environment» association urges the government to reconsider its decision and instead focus on finding alternative solutions to address the country’s debt crisis. They propose working together with the renewable energy industry to find a sustainable and mutually beneficial solution that will not only benefit the economy but also protect the environment.

In conclusion, the «Clean Energy — Healthy Environment» association’s message to the head of the Secretariat of the Energy Community is a call to action to protect the future of the renewable energy sector in Ukraine. The proposed government initiative could have severe consequences for the industry and the country as a whole. It is crucial for the government to consider the long-term effects and work towards finding a solution that will benefit both the economy and the environment.

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