Госаудитслужба предлагает раскрывать детали строительства дорог для финконтроля – Басалаева

Details of road construction and repair costs should be transparent to the public. This was announced by the head of the State Audit Service, Alla Basalaeva, in her column for «Ekonomicheskaya Pravda».

According to Basalaeva, the issue of road construction and repair costs has always been a subject of public interest. However, there has been a lack of transparency in this area, which has led to speculation and distrust among citizens.

Basalaeva emphasized the importance of providing the public with accurate and detailed information about the costs of road construction and repair. This not only promotes transparency, but also helps to prevent corruption and misuse of funds.

The head of the State Audit Service also pointed out that access to this information should not be limited to government officials and industry experts. The public has the right to know how their tax money is being spent on road projects.

In order to achieve this level of transparency, Basalaeva suggested the implementation of a comprehensive system for collecting and publishing data on road construction and repair costs. This system would include information on the cost of materials, labor, equipment, and other expenses related to road projects.

Basalaeva also stressed the importance of regular audits to ensure that the reported costs are accurate and in line with industry standards. This will help to identify any discrepancies or irregularities and hold those responsible accountable.

The head of the State Audit Service believes that providing the public with access to detailed information on road construction and repair costs will not only increase transparency, but also promote competition among contractors. This will ultimately lead to better quality roads at a lower cost.

In addition, Basalaeva highlighted the role of the media in raising awareness and promoting public interest in this issue. She encouraged journalists to actively investigate and report on road projects, as well as to hold authorities accountable for any discrepancies or misuse of funds.

Basalaeva’s call for transparency in road construction and repair costs is a step in the right direction towards promoting good governance and building trust between the government and its citizens. By providing the public with accurate and detailed information, we can ensure that tax money is being used efficiently and effectively for the benefit of all.

In conclusion, the details of road construction and repair costs should be made accessible to the public. This will not only promote transparency and accountability, but also help to improve the quality of roads and build trust between the government and its citizens. Let us all work together towards a more transparent and accountable society.

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