Девять стран выразили протест по поводу возобновления работы МВФ с Россией – Reuters

Nine European countries have spoken out against the International Monetary Fund’s plans to resume its mission in Russia. According to these countries, resuming dialogue with the aggressive country will damage the reputation of the Fund. This was reported on September 13th, with reference to a joint letter sent to the Managing Director of the IMF, Kristalina Georgieva, by Reuters.

The nine European countries, including the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, expressed their concerns in the letter regarding the IMF’s decision to resume its mission in Russia. These countries believe that engaging with a country that has shown aggressive behavior towards its neighbors and the international community will only harm the credibility and reputation of the IMF.

The letter stated that the IMF’s mission to Russia would send the wrong message to the international community, as well as to the Russian government. It would signal that the IMF is willing to overlook Russia’s actions and continue to provide financial support, despite its aggressive behavior. This, in turn, could embolden the Russian government to continue its aggressive actions without facing any consequences.

The European countries also pointed out that the IMF’s mission in Russia would not only damage its own reputation but also that of the European Union. The EU has imposed sanctions on Russia for its annexation of Crimea and its involvement in the conflict in eastern Ukraine. By resuming its mission in Russia, the IMF would be seen as disregarding these sanctions and undermining the EU’s efforts to hold Russia accountable for its actions.

The joint letter also highlighted the fact that the IMF’s previous missions in Russia have not been successful in promoting economic stability and reforms. Instead, the Russian government has used the IMF’s loans to strengthen its authoritarian regime and support its aggressive foreign policies. Therefore, the European countries believe that resuming the IMF’s mission in Russia would only serve the interests of the Russian government, rather than promoting economic stability and reforms.

The European countries urged the IMF to reconsider its decision and not resume its mission in Russia until the country shows a genuine commitment to respecting international law and the sovereignty of its neighbors. They also called on the IMF to consult with the EU and its member states before making any decisions regarding its mission in Russia.

In response to the joint letter, the IMF stated that it is committed to promoting economic stability and reforms in all its member countries, including Russia. The Fund also emphasized that its mission in Russia would be in line with its mandate and would not violate any international laws or sanctions.

However, the European countries remain firm in their stance and have called for a transparent and thorough review of the IMF’s decision. They believe that resuming the mission in Russia would not only harm the credibility of the Fund but also undermine the efforts of the international community to hold Russia accountable for its actions.

In conclusion, the joint letter from the nine European countries highlights the growing concerns and opposition to the IMF’s decision to resume its mission in Russia. These countries believe that engaging with a country that has shown aggressive behavior towards its neighbors would only damage the credibility and reputation of the IMF. They urge the Fund to reconsider its decision and not resume its mission in Russia until the country shows a genuine commitment to respecting international law and the sovereignty of its neighbors.

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