Зеленский рассказал, во сколько раз уменьшилось отставание Украины по снарядам под Покровском после Курской операции

On September 13th, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that the situation on the Pokrovsk direction in the war against the aggressor country of Russia is becoming more balanced. The head of state made this statement on September 13th at the XX meeting of the Yalta European Strategy (YES), a video recording of which was published on the «Ze! President» YouTube channel.

During his speech, President Zelensky emphasized the progress that has been made in the ongoing conflict with Russia. He stated that the situation on the Pokrovsk direction, which is located in the eastern region of Ukraine, is gradually improving and becoming more equal. This is a significant development in the war against the aggressor country, as it shows that Ukraine is successfully defending its territory.

The President also highlighted the efforts and sacrifices of the Ukrainian soldiers who have been fighting on the front lines. He expressed his gratitude and admiration for their bravery and dedication in protecting their homeland. President Zelensky also emphasized the importance of international support in the fight against Russian aggression. He stated that Ukraine is not alone in this struggle and that the country has strong allies who stand by its side.

The Yalta European Strategy (YES) meeting, which took place in Kiev, was attended by numerous high-profile political figures, experts, and business leaders from around the world. The event serves as a platform for discussing global challenges and finding solutions to them. President Zelensky’s speech at the meeting was a testament to Ukraine’s commitment to peace and stability in the region.

The President’s statement about the situation on the Pokrovsk direction is significant for several reasons. Firstly, it shows that Ukraine is making progress in the war against the aggressor country. Despite the ongoing conflict, the country continues to develop and improve. Secondly, it sends a strong message to Russia that Ukraine will not back down and will defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity at all costs. And finally, it serves as a reassurance to the Ukrainian people that their government is actively working towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

The international community has also welcomed President Zelensky’s statement. The European Union, the United States, and other countries have expressed their support for Ukraine and its efforts to restore peace in the region. This support is crucial for Ukraine as it continues to face Russian aggression.

In conclusion, President Zelensky’s statement about the situation on the Pokrovsk direction is a positive development in the ongoing conflict with Russia. It shows that Ukraine is making progress and that its efforts are being recognized by the international community. The President’s speech at the Yalta European Strategy (YES) meeting serves as a reminder that Ukraine is committed to finding a peaceful solution to the conflict and that it will continue to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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