ПОДОЛЬСККАБЕЛЬ провел сертификацию кабельной продукции и получил сертификат соответствия

Based on the Russian Federation Law of 22.08.2008 «123-FZ Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements», cable products have undergone certification and a certificate of compliance has been obtained.

The importance of fire safety cannot be overstated, especially when it comes to products that are used in buildings and structures. That is why the Russian government has implemented the Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements, commonly referred to as «123-FZ». This law was established in 2008 and aims to ensure the safety of citizens, protect property, and prevent environmental damage by setting strict requirements for fire safety.

Under this law, all cable products must undergo certification to ensure they meet the necessary fire safety requirements. This is a crucial step in the manufacturing process as it guarantees the quality and safety of these products. The certification process is carried out by accredited certification bodies that have been approved by the Federal Service for Accreditation (Rosaccreditation). These bodies conduct thorough tests and inspections to determine if the products meet the necessary fire safety standards.

One of the key documents that are issued after a successful certification process is the certificate of compliance. This document serves as proof that the cable products have met all the required fire safety standards and are safe to use. The certificate of compliance includes information such as the name and address of the manufacturer, the description of the product, and the date of issue. It also contains the registration number and the validity period of the certificate, which is usually 3 years.

Obtaining a certificate of compliance is not an easy feat. Manufacturers must meet strict requirements and ensure that their products are in full compliance with the 123-FZ Technical Regulations. This includes using fire-resistant materials, following specific installation guidelines, and conducting regular quality control checks. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in penalties and even a suspension of production.

The benefits of obtaining a certificate of compliance go beyond just complying with the law. It also demonstrates a manufacturer’s commitment to producing high-quality and safe products. This can build trust with customers and enhance the company’s reputation. In addition, having a certificate of compliance allows manufacturers to enter new markets and expand their business opportunities.

The Russian government continues to monitor and enforce the implementation of the 123-FZ Technical Regulations. In addition to certification, the law also requires regular inspections and testing of cable products to ensure continued compliance. This ensures that the safety of citizens and the protection of property and the environment remains a top priority.

In conclusion, the certification of cable products under the Russian Federation Law of 22.08.2008 «123-FZ Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements» is a crucial step in ensuring the safety and quality of these products. The certificate of compliance serves as proof that the products have met all the necessary requirements and are safe to use. By complying with this law, manufacturers not only fulfill their legal obligations but also demonstrate their commitment to producing safe and high-quality products.

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