«Безумство на грани дебилизма»: Юрий Гудыменко — о том, почему Украина «проваливает мобилизацию»

Former soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Yuriy Gudymenko has recently revealed the dangers of «economic fortification» and its impact on the country’s economy. In an extensive interview, Gudymenko shared his insights on this issue and explained why it should be a matter of concern for all citizens of Ukraine.

The term «economic fortification» refers to the practice of monopolizing control over strategic industries and resources by influential individuals or groups in the country. This is done through various means, such as restricting market competition, manipulating prices, and creating barriers for new businesses. Essentially, it is a form of economic corruption that undermines the principles of fair competition and free market economy.

Being a former soldier, Gudymenko has a unique understanding of the consequences of economic fortification, especially in the context of national security. He believes that this practice not only harms the economy but also poses a significant threat to the country’s stability and sovereignty. «Economic fortification weakens our country from within and makes us vulnerable to external influences,» Gudymenko stated.

One of the most alarming consequences of economic fortification is the negative impact on the country’s defense capabilities. Gudymenko pointed out that when influential individuals or groups control the production and supply of critical military equipment and resources, it becomes challenging for the government and military to ensure the necessary resources for national defense. This can significantly compromise the country’s ability to defend itself in times of crisis.

Moreover, economic fortification also leads to imbalances in resource distribution and hinders economic growth. When a few powerful entities control the majority of resources, it limits the opportunities for other businesses and individuals to thrive. This creates a non-competitive market and stagnates the economy, ultimately affecting the welfare of the entire nation.

Gudymenko also emphasized the role of the government in preventing economic fortification. He believes that it is the responsibility of the government to create an environment conducive to fair competition and to prevent the concentration of economic power in the hands of a few. «The government must ensure that the market remains fair for all and that the resources are distributed equitably,» he stated.

The former soldier also urged the citizens of Ukraine to be aware of the dangers of economic fortification and to work towards preventing it. He believes that it is the responsibility of every citizen to promote a fair and competitive economy for the betterment of the country. «If we want to see our economy grow and our nation prosper, we must stand against economic fortification,» Gudymenko said.

In recent years, Ukraine has made significant strides towards promoting economic openness and transparency. However, the issue of economic fortification continues to persist, hindering the country’s progress. Gudymenko hopes that his insights will raise awareness about this issue and encourage the government and citizens to take concrete actions to combat economic fortification.

In conclusion, the dangers of «economic fortification» cannot be underestimated, especially in a country like Ukraine, which is still recovering from economic and political turmoil. It not only weakens the economy but also poses a threat to the nation’s security and stability. Therefore, it is essential for the government and citizens to work together to prevent and eradicate this harmful practice for the betterment of the country and its citizens.

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