Долг «Укрэнерго» на балансирующем рынке превышает 16 млрд грн, а компании должны 34 млрд грн


The National Energy Company «Ukrenergo» is currently facing a significant debt on the balancing market (BM). According to the acting chairman of the board, Alexey Brecht, the company’s debt on the BM has exceeded 16 billion UAH, while the debts of participating companies towards the National Energy Company (NEC) have reached 34 billion UAH. This was reported by «EnergoReforma».

The BM is an important component of the Ukrainian energy market, responsible for ensuring the balance between electricity production and consumption. It is a complex and constantly evolving market, and it is essential for the stability of the country’s energy sector. However, the growing debt of Ukrenergo and other companies involved in the BM is a matter of concern.

The situation is not unique to Ukrenergo, as many other companies in the energy sector are also facing financial challenges. The main reason for this is the significant increase in electricity tariffs, which has put a strain on the financial resources of these companies. This has resulted in a chain reaction, affecting the entire energy market and causing a ripple effect on the economy.

It is important to note that the debt on the BM is not a new issue and has been accumulating over the years. The previous management of Ukrenergo failed to address this problem, and it has now become a burden for the current leadership. However, under the leadership of Alexey Brecht, the company is taking concrete steps to tackle this issue and improve its financial stability.

One of the measures taken by Ukrenergo is to actively engage in negotiations with participating companies to settle their debts. The company is also working on improving its financial management and implementing cost-cutting measures. These efforts have already shown positive results, with the company reducing its debt by 2 billion UAH in the first half of 2021.

Moreover, Ukrenergo is also actively seeking investments to improve its infrastructure and modernize its equipment. This will not only help in the efficient operation of the BM but also contribute to the overall development of the energy sector in Ukraine. The company is also exploring opportunities to diversify its energy mix and reduce its dependence on traditional energy sources.

Despite the challenges, the company remains optimistic about its future and is committed to fulfilling its obligations on the BM. Ukrenergo plays a crucial role in ensuring the stability of the energy market and the country’s economy as a whole. The company is determined to overcome its financial difficulties and emerge stronger from this situation.

The Ukrainian government has also taken notice of the situation and is providing support to Ukrenergo and other energy companies. The Ministry of Energy and Environmental Protection has announced a plan to restructure the debt of energy companies, which will help alleviate the burden and provide much-needed relief to the sector.

In conclusion, the debt of Ukrenergo and other companies on the balancing market is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed. However, under the leadership of Alexey Brecht, the company is taking concrete steps to improve its financial stability and fulfill its obligations. With the support of the government and a determined approach, Ukrenergo is confident in overcoming its challenges and contributing to the development of the energy sector in Ukraine.

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