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North Korea Amends Constitution to Officially Recognize South Korea as «Hostile State»

On October 17, the North Korean state news agency KCNA announced that North Korea has officially amended its constitution to recognize South Korea as a «hostile state.» This move is seen as a significant step towards further deteriorating relations between the two Koreas.

The amendments, which were approved by the North Korean Supreme People’s Assembly, state that «the South Korean authorities are the enemy who has long been plotting to overthrow the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.» This marks a departure from previous versions of the constitution, which referred to South Korea as a «puppet regime» controlled by the United States.

This change in language is not surprising, as tensions between the two Koreas have been high for decades. The Korean Peninsula has been divided since the end of World War II, and the two countries have remained in a state of war since the Korean War ended in 1953. Despite several attempts at peace talks and agreements, the relationship between North and South Korea has remained strained.

The latest amendment to the North Korean constitution is seen as a response to recent actions taken by South Korea, including its decision to acquire advanced weapons from the United States and its joint military exercises with American forces. North Korea has long viewed these actions as a threat to its national security and sovereignty.

The amendment also comes at a time when North Korea is facing increased pressure from the international community over its nuclear weapons program. The country has faced multiple rounds of sanctions from the United Nations, and its leader, Kim Jong Un, has been engaged in a war of words with US President Donald Trump over the issue.

Some experts believe that the amendment is also a way for North Korea to solidify its domestic support and rally its citizens against a common enemy. The country has been facing economic hardships, and this move could be seen as a way to deflect attention from internal issues and focus on external threats.

The reaction from South Korea has been one of disappointment and concern. South Korean officials have stated that the amendment is «regrettable» and goes against efforts to improve inter-Korean relations. They have also urged North Korea to return to the negotiating table and work towards peace and reconciliation.

The international community has also expressed concern over the amendment, with many calling for continued dialogue and diplomacy between the two Koreas. The United States has reiterated its commitment to the denuclearization of North Korea and has urged the country to refrain from any actions that could further escalate tensions.

Despite the negative implications of this amendment, there is still hope for a peaceful resolution between North and South Korea. Both countries share a long and complex history, and it is important for them to find a way to coexist and work towards a better future for their people.

In conclusion, the recent amendments to the North Korean constitution officially recognizing South Korea as a «hostile state» are a troubling development in the already strained relationship between the two countries. It is crucial for both sides to engage in dialogue and find a way to peacefully coexist and work towards a better future for the Korean Peninsula. The international community must continue to support efforts for peace and stability in the region.

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