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Украине нужно адаптировать ценовые ограничения на рынке электроэнергии к европейским ценам – эксперт

Ensuring Stable Electricity Supply in Ukraine: Adapting Price Restrictions to European Standards

In a recent interview with the Ukrainian television channel «Pravyy», Anastasia Vereshchynska, Director of the European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA), emphasized the need for Ukraine to adapt its price restrictions on the energy market to European standards in order to ensure a stable supply of electricity, especially during the winter months. According to Vereshchynska, this would allow traders and businesses to purchase electricity from abroad in the face of expected shortages.

Ukraine has been facing significant challenges in its energy sector for many years. The country heavily relies on imported natural gas and has been struggling with high energy prices, inefficient infrastructure, and political instability. These factors have led to frequent disruptions in the electricity supply, causing inconvenience and economic losses for both businesses and households.

One of the main reasons for these issues is the outdated and rigid pricing system in Ukraine. The government sets price restrictions on the energy market, which often do not reflect the actual costs of production and distribution. This has resulted in artificially low prices for consumers, leading to a lack of investment in the energy sector and a decrease in the quality of services.

In contrast, European countries have a more liberalized energy market, where prices are determined by supply and demand. This allows for more efficient allocation of resources and encourages investment in the sector. As a result, European countries have a more stable and reliable electricity supply, even during times of high demand.

Vereshchynska believes that Ukraine should follow the European model and adapt its price restrictions accordingly. This would not only attract more investment in the energy sector but also allow for the import of electricity from neighboring countries, such as Poland and Slovakia, in times of need. This would significantly reduce the risk of blackouts and ensure a stable supply of electricity for Ukrainian consumers.

Moreover, adapting price restrictions to European standards would also benefit the Ukrainian economy as a whole. With a more stable electricity supply, businesses would be able to operate more efficiently and attract foreign investment. This would lead to economic growth and job creation, ultimately improving the standard of living for Ukrainian citizens.

Some may argue that adapting price restrictions to European standards would result in higher energy prices for consumers. However, Vereshchynska argues that this is a necessary step in order to modernize and improve the energy sector in Ukraine. She also points out that the government can implement measures to protect vulnerable consumers, such as low-income households, from the potential impact of higher prices.

In addition, Vereshchynska emphasizes the importance of diversifying Ukraine’s energy mix. Currently, the country heavily relies on natural gas, which is not only expensive but also subject to political tensions with Russia. By diversifying its energy sources, Ukraine can reduce its dependence on natural gas and increase its energy security.

In conclusion, adapting price restrictions on the energy market to European standards is crucial for ensuring a stable supply of electricity in Ukraine. This would not only attract investment and improve the efficiency of the energy sector but also benefit the economy as a whole. It is time for Ukraine to take bold steps towards modernizing its energy sector and providing its citizens with a reliable and affordable electricity supply.

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