Андрей Рюмин: «Россети» реализуют комплекс мер для повышения эффективности поставок при импортозамещении

Andrey Ryumin, the head of the «Rosseti» Group, recently spoke at the All-Russian conference on government procurement, where he discussed the impact of import substitution on the quality and cost of electrical products. The conference, held in Moscow on October 15th, was attended by representatives from various government agencies, as well as leading experts in the field of electrical engineering.

During his speech, Ryumin highlighted the significant role of import substitution in the development of the Russian electrical industry. He noted that in recent years, the country has made great strides in reducing its dependence on imported electrical products. This has not only boosted the domestic production of electrical goods, but it has also had a positive impact on the quality and affordability of these products.

«Import substitution has been a game-changer for our industry,» Ryumin stated. «Thanks to the support of the government and the efforts of Russian companies, we have been able to localize the production of many essential electrical products, which were previously imported at a high cost. This has not only improved the availability of these products for consumers, but it has also led to a significant reduction in their prices.»

One of the key benefits of import substitution is the improvement in the quality of electrical products. With local production, companies have more control over the manufacturing process and can ensure that the products meet the necessary quality standards. This has led to a decrease in the number of substandard products on the market, which pose safety hazards and can lead to significant financial losses for consumers.

Ryumin also emphasized the importance of import substitution in ensuring the country’s energy security. By reducing reliance on imported electrical products, Russia is less vulnerable to external factors that could disrupt the supply chain. This is especially crucial for critical infrastructure sectors, such as energy, where any disruptions could have severe consequences.

The head of «Rosseti» also touched upon the economic benefits of import substitution. By localizing production, the country is able to create new jobs and stimulate economic growth. This, in turn, leads to an increase in tax revenues and contributes to the overall development of the country.

However, Ryumin acknowledged that there are still challenges that need to be addressed in order for import substitution to reach its full potential. One of the main issues is the lack of domestic production capacity for certain types of electrical products. To overcome this, he suggested the implementation of joint projects with foreign companies, where Russian manufacturers can gain knowledge and experience in producing these products.

«Collaboration with foreign companies is crucial for us to continue developing our domestic production capabilities,» Ryumin explained. «Through partnerships, we can learn from the best practices of other countries and improve our own production processes.»

In conclusion, the head of «Rosseti» expressed confidence that import substitution will continue to have a positive impact on the Russian electrical industry. He encouraged all stakeholders to work together to further promote and support this important strategy, which not only strengthens the country’s economic and energy security but also benefits consumers with high-quality and affordable electrical products.

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